How to Press Tofu: A Quick and Simple Guide
Tofu is scary and weird for a lot of people. Many people think it’s too tasteless, gross, or hard to cook.
But I am here to tell you tofu is not any of those things!
Okay, okay—it is tasteless, but that’s what seasoning is for! One key to tofu is to make sure you use waaaayyyyy more seasoning than you think you need.
The other key to cooking tofu is to press it correctly before you use it. That’s where this guide comes in!

How to press tofu
When you buy tofu from the store, it’s packaged in water. My understanding is that the water helps it keep its shape and retain whatever (little) flavor it has.
One of the most important things about working with tofu is to press as much of that water out as possible. This allows the tofu to absorb all the other flavors you add to it when cooking.
People who are avid tofu fans may choose to buy a tofu press, but I use my cast iron skillet and a few canned goods for weight. It’s worked for me so far, so that’s what I continue to do!

So, here’s how to press your tofu, step by step:
1. Take your tofu out of its package. Wrap the tofu loosely in paper towels (or reusable paper towels, in my case)

2. Lie the tofu on a flat surface (I use a plate). Beware that liquid will begin seeping out during this process, so you may want to set the plate in your sink.
3. Place something heavy, such as a pot or a cast-iron skillet, on top of the tofu block. To add extra weight, feel free to put a few cans on top of that.

4. Let that sit for at least 15 minutes.
5. Optional to get maximum liquid out of the tofu: while you’re waiting, you can occasionally rotate the cast iron skillet and press down slightly, with even pressure across the skillet. Be careful, though. If you press too fast or too hard, it can break the tofu—which doesn’t change the flavor, but it’s something to consider if you want to cut it into nice even pieces later.
After you’ve pressed the tofu, you can do whatever you like with it! Cut it into squares and bake to add to a vegetable bowl, crumble it for a tofu scramble, or cut it into long skinny rectangles that are perfect for grilling!
Now that I’m used to it, I love working with tofu. I hope you will come to love it too!
Happy experimenting,
How to Press Tofu
- Take your tofu out of its package. Wrap it loosely in paper towels (or reusable paper towels)
- Lie the tofu on a flat surface (I use a plate). Beware that liquid will begin seeping out during this process, so you may want to set the plate in your sink.
- Place something heavy, such as a pot or a cast iron skillet, on top of the tofu block. To add extra weight, feel free to put a few cans on top of that.
- Let that sit for at least 15 minutes.
